Mission Impossible

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it:
Except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

Psalm 127:1 (KJV 1900)

How do respond when we discover that the bills are too big, the need is too great, and we have neither the resources nor the abilities to finish the task before us? Quit…sometimes it sounds like a great option, especially when we realize that God has called each of us to the impossible. We do not overestimate the task when we conclude that it is too great for us.

This ought do two things for the believer. First, we must work together. The Lone Ranger has no place in Christian ministry. Preaching the Bible is lonely. Following Jesus means sometimes we grow apart from friends and family who do not. But we must have others around us. To encourage us in the dark times. To call us out on our stupidity. To praise Jesus together.

Second and infinitely more vital, this realization of the impossible must drive us to our knees. If the Lord does not do it--whatever it is--, it is not going to happen. The magnitude of the calling plus our limited resources remind us of our inability and His abundance.