Francis Schaeffer on T.D. Jakes…err…I mean Karl Barth

In recent years it has often been said that Karl Barth changed his views toward the end of his life. If this was so, then all could have been easily cared for by his writing one more book amongst his many books and, while he was yet living, making it known that his views of Scripture, his lack of a space-time Fall, and his implicit universalism had been publicly repudiated. In the light of his crucial influence as the originator of the new theology and his wide publication, it would seem difficult to think that anything less would have met his responsibility before God and men. If he had done this, many of us would have truly rejoiced. Note p. 78 for a consideration of the deficient concept of justification and the place of universalism in the new theology.[^sch1]

Francis Schaeffer

Francis A. Schaeffer, The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer : A Christian Worldview. (Westchester, Ill.: Crossway Books, 1996).